Our child is every bit of Don and I, with a personality completely her own. After being away from her for a couple of days (I saw her, but she was sleeping), we played and had all sorts of fun when I got home from work. She even claimed she was finished with her meal early, only to crawl up on the bench next to me and bogart my plate of cabbage and sausage. Our little carnivore actually ate a couple of pieces of cabbage and insisted I keep refilling the plate with mustard. Silly bean. Also, here's a bit of randomness for you. Don't you love the hot pink goggles while strumming on the acoustic? My Guitar. My Guitar!
Or how about the time I was nibbling the last bits of cake I had saved from my birthday from Jenna, when she walked up to me asking for a bite, then grabbed the whole bowl? Mmmm...num, num, my cake! MY CAKE!!
Or how about this past weekend when I had my stuff out to get dressed for the 70s party bus and someone insisted on wearing my Go-Go boots? My boots. BIIIIG boots.
She's a riot, that one. Always has me laughing, even when I'm a bit flustered or when she's fighting us.
Anyway, two things: 1. Texas Tech is doing some awesome things (I think they are generally awesome) with regards to the BP oil spill. Here's a nifty link to learn more: Texas Tech Fibertect Field Test a Success WTG Seshadri Ramkumar, you rock. Oh, and the building picture on that link is one I passed every single day on my way to my English classes. The old English building is no more, since it had been condemned when I was going there. We were the last graduating class to have classes in the old space. Random aside.
2. Here's a teaser photo of my session with my BFF in Austin. Since she is my BFF, this gets to get posted here because it is personal. Fun facts about this photo: I chose this as a teaser because you really can't tell what her dress looks like, or the style of the veil for that matter, so it is ok if the groom-to-be happens to stumble on it. Also, this is taken at a unique spot in the Zilker Botanical Gardens that overlooks downtown Austin. You wouldn't know it by the looks of this picture, but all of that white space above the greenery is actually the downtown Austin skyline! It was a total fluke that I blew out the light in the picture so much that it concealed the skyline. I would like to pretend I was that slick of a photographer and did it on purpose, but no. Finally, this picture is almost 100% straight out of the camera. All I did was apply the Great White Lightroom Preset from Totally Rad Actions. All of her shots were RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME, but I can't post them because after all, they are bridal portraits and she doesn't want to ruin the surprise for her fiance of what her dress looks like. But really, this is sooo tough, because they are fabulous!
Enjoy your Friday!
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